Tuesday, November 18, 2014


~   J   E   R   G   E   N   S   ~
                                                                                    Since 1901! 

Be   Beautiful   From   Head   To   Toe  !

Jergens Daily Moisture
RRP:$5.99 (250ml)

Funny story - You know when before you use a product for the first time, you snap open
the lid and take a whiff? Well, whilst taking my usual sniff I must have stupidly given the bottle
a little squeeze and lucky me in turn received a pop of lovely smelling moisture cream straight
up my nose! Why do these thing always happen to me?

The formula of this product is light, white and a bit creamy. It's lightly scented citrus which mostly
fades after application but lingers slightly. I have been loving this because it soaks straight into
my skin and doesn't leave it feeling slimy which is essential in this heat at the moment!
When if gets super hot like it has been lately I have been known to skip moisturising because
some creams just seem to suffocate my skin not letting it breathe and in turn makes me feel
even hotter than I already am and like I am just sweating it off because it's not soaking in.
This product however feels so light that as soon as I've applied it all over my body each morning
I can get dressed straight away without feeling like I'm getting the cream all over my clothes.

This product has an illuminating blend and silk proteins which I think gives my skin a healthy
looking glow! I have in particular noticed a huge difference in the skin on my knees which is
prone to always looking dry and white. My skin in this area now looks and feels like the rest of
my legs. Smoother, softer and looking radiant!

Also available in 100ml, 400ml & 650ml bottles!

Jergens Natural Glow
RRP:$10.99 (221ml)

I never go out in the sun to obtain a 'healthy glow' as I am too health conscious and I just
won't do it! I do however love a 'fake healthy glow!' :) This is where I love using products like 
this new Jergens Natural Glow because it gives you a natural looking tan gradually without looking
streaky, orange or like you've just painted it on! I have been using this daily on my hibernated super
white legs and body for about 2 weeks and I started to see a noticeable glow after about the 3rd
application. My skin looks like it now matches the scorching hot weather we've been having lately!
Golden, fresh and my most favourite benefit of a good tan - looking noticeably more toned even
though I haven't stepped foot into a gym! :)

The formula of this is white and creamy. Thicker than the Daily Moisture yet it is just as easy to
apply and also soaks right into the skin. It is lightly scented and I adore the smell! 
Contains a gorgeous mix of ingredients including a bunch of skin benefiting oils which I have
been loving lately including - Avocado & Jojoba oils as well as flower extract and caramel, yum!

I have been applying this at night after showering to ensure my skin is freshly buffed and my
legs shaved, etc before application to achieve the best looking result possible, and it's working!
My skin doesn't exactly look like the flawless Jergens ambassador Cheyenne Tozzi, but it
is getting there, mostly! ;)

Also available in Medium To Tan!

Have you tried Jergens?
Which products do you turn to when it gets super hot?


Missed my last post? 

Let's follow each other! 

*These products were kindly sent to me for review
*All photographs & opinions are my own


  1. I have seen the brand around but have never actually used anything from them, I like the sound of the Natural Glow x

  2. I have their body BB cream, but haven't used it yet....Great review! xo's

    Pink Frenzy

  3. I heard of the brand but I don't think it's available here. I use the Dove Summer Glow to achieve the same result :)
    Alice | Alice's Beauty Madness

  4. Love that you managed to get it up your nose, that's exactly the sort of thing that happens to me! I don't really used tanning products, but I'd definitely prefer a natural glow like this rather than full on fake tan :)

    Jess xo

  5. Looks good not a brand I have heard from in the UK though.


  6. This sounds like a great product! :)
    I will definitely be keeping an eye out for it!
