Going a bit glam on a beautiful Spring day, for no reason at all, except that I like to dress up
and dressing up is fun! :)
My sparkly silver sequin 'top' is actually a dress which was purchased years and years ago
and has barely been worn. Over the past year or so I've found myself pulling it out of my
wardrobe more and more and love it more now than I ever did when I bought it.
I think it looks so much nicer as a top!
As I have been going through and clearing out my closet lately I have been looking at each
item and if I see a stain or something not worth repairing then it goes straight to the bin.
Then I have also been looking at such items like a dress that could become a top or a dress
that might make a great skirt! With the weather warming up I've even made three pairs of
'not cool anymore' jeans into some cute looking jean shorts!

White Eyelet Skirt from Coles Mix Apparel $29.00 (Current Season Stock)
Pisces in Silver Novo Shoes $79.95 (Currently only available in Black)

What's your Spring style of choice?
Do you ever re-shop/re-vamp your current clothing?
You look amazing in white, Candy. I can't wear white, let's just say it doesn't stay white for long, lol. I can be such a grub sometimes!